Parent Information
School Hours
Take In Time: 6:45 AM
Dismissal Time: 2:35 PM

Class of 2025 Senior Meeting Handouts
Title 1 Documents
Parent's Right to Know Flyer
Parent's Right to Know Flyer (Spanish)
Parent Compact 2024
Parent Compact 2024 (Spanish)
Parent & Family Engagement Plan (English)
Parent & Family Engagement Plan (Spanish)
Complaint Procedures English
Complaint Procedures Spanish
Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting PowerPoint
Theodore High School eProve Plan 2024-2025
Theodore High School eProve Plan- Spanish- 2024-2025

Mr. Tim Hardegree
What's Happening, Bobcats?
PowerHub Parent Portal

PowerHub Instructions
Bus Information Documents
Please complete and return the above form to request bus transportation for your child.
The form can be emailed to, faxed to (251) 221-5272, or given to Mr. Goodwin, Assistant Principal, at Theodore High School.
Parking Request Form
- Complete the Student parking Application above and bring to Dr. Maxwell.
- Must Provide:
- Drivers License
- Tag Number
- Proof of Insurance
- Please bring cash or check. parking pass fee is $50.00.
School Fees


Parent Documents
- Educational-Planning-Guide_2021-22.pdf
- Theodore High School Compact 24-25.pdf
- Theodore High School Compact 24-25 Spanish.pdf
- Online Registration_Page_2Resize.jpg
- SY24+MCPSS+District+Parent+and+Family+Enagement+Plan+Brochure-Spanish.pdf
- SY24+MCPSS+District+Parent+and+Family+Enagement+Plan+Brochure.pdf
Uniform Information 2024-2025
Top: Girls
White, red or black polo (three-button golf styles only), long or short sleeves. White, red, or black oxford style only, long or short sleeves. NO cap sleeves or form-fitting shirts are allowed. NO LARGE COMMERCIAL LOGOS. All shirts are to be long enough to be tucked in. UNDERSHIRTS: White, red or black - long or short sleeves. Admin approved spirit shirts which say Theodore High School may be worn.
Bottom: Girls
Slacks: Khaki in color - uniform style only. Shorts: Knee length (Bermuda style), khaki in color. NOTE: PARACHUTE, CARGO, HIP HUGGERS, LACE-UP OR BELL BOTTOMS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. This applies to all slacks, capris & shorts. No pockets below the hips on the front or back of pants. NO SKIRTS AND NO SKORTS: (Exception: Religion that does not allow pants. A letter will be required from religious institution stating your affiliation. Skirt length will not be above the knee.)
Top: Boys
White, red, or black polo, long or short sleeves. (three button golf style only) White, red, or black oxford style only, long or short sleeves. NO cap sleeves or form-fitting shirts are allowed. NO LARGE COMMERCIAL LOGOS. All shirts are to be long enough to be tucked in. UNDERSHIRTS: White, red, or black - long or short sleeves. TIES: White, red, or black. Admin approved spirit shirts which say THEODORE HIGH SCHOOL may be worn.
Bottom: Boys
Slacks: Khaki in color - uniform style only. Shorts: Knee length (Bermuda style), khaki in color. NOTE: PARACHUTE, CARGO, HIP HUGGERS, LACE-UP OR BELL BOTTOMS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. This applies to all slacks & shorts. No pockets below the hips on the front or back of pants.
No large or flashing belt buckles.
Socks: Girls
Non-mandatory. No outlandish, striped, or bizarre socks.
Socks: Boys
Non-mandatory. No outlandish, striped, or bizarre socks.
MALE & FEMALE: No sandals, backless shoes or boots. No specific color required. Athletic shoes are accepted. Absolutely NO CROCS, house shoes, or slides of any nature.
Outerwear: Male/Female
Hoodies will not be allowed this school year.
MALE & FEMALE: (SOLID) Red, black, or white coat, sweater, pullover, jacket, cardigan, windbreaker, fleece, long sleeve sweatshirt) No LARGE commercial logos or writing on jackets). Colors other than solid red, solid black or solid white for outerwear are not acceptable. Students and parents are asked to remember the approved colors (red, black or white) when shopping for school uniform wear. No trench-coats. No hats, caps, headwear (headbands/sweatbands, scarves, etc.) are to be brought or worn on campus. Hats, caps and headwear will be confiscated. Students may wear knit or woolen caps when the temperature is below 50 degrees, and they must be removed upon entering the building. Blankets, wraps, and throws are not allowed on campus. Students are encouraged to wear uniform and outer garments that are appropriate for the season, thereby making blankets, throws and other household items UNACCEPTABLE.
Additional Notes
Additional Notes
Identification badges are part of the school uniform and are to be visible (above the waist) at all times. Any accessory not addressed should not be worn. The principal shall be the final authority in interpreting the dress code. Failure of a student to abide by the dress code will result in disciplinary action being taken.